Ambulance Private Sports and Corporate Events offered
Whilst the majority of our work involves patient movements, during the weekend all that slows down. It is in this period the majority of our sporting cover takes place. We only too well understand the pressures on small sporting groups to comply with legal requirements and have set our rates to cover the staff wages plus an allowance for the ambulance to keep our prices as low as possible.
We cover sporting as diverse as horse trials to triathlons, from motorsport to netball, from fun runs to football. We provide coverage for school groups at the same time as we provide cover for corporate customers with special requirements.
We have three very small special event retrieval vehicles you may have seen at a number of venues, one is a crowd-pleasing mini moke retrieval vehicle and the other two all-electric retrieval vehicles, one based on an extended golf cart and the other a mini length retrieval vehicle.
The electric “medicarts” have been well received at a variety of events, but especially at Blundstone Arena where it provided cover for players in major cricket and football matches. We recently demonstrated the medicats ability to enter lifts and provide stretcher based service on all floors of a multi storey building.